I was born into a loving family, where people never hated each other and never even tried to take one and each other down ever. Being the first and eldest, I was cherished the most. My grandparents loved me more than anybody else.

 My parents were always calm with me, due to their soft spoken words and gentleness I never became rude, I never did something for which I might get scolded. 

I have been working in the underworld,

removing dirty people since I was 17. I got to know about Tanya when I was 22. But never bothered. Because everyone thought she died. But suddenly one day My chief told me, We noticed a movement. Of course nothing goes off our eyes, and that's when my life changed.

 Her one look, where she was getting out of a building in a black hood covering her face with a mask.

Something in me pushed me towards her. The curiosity of seeing her face, knowing how she looks, took control over me. And I did what I was expert in.

I stalked her like a crazy fan, from knowing her name to knowing what she eats and where she goes on sundays. She loves noodles, every sunday she would go to her favorite cafe and have her noodles while looking outside.

 Her left hand always had a pretty bracelet, a simple one with red stones.

A year later, I got to know she is after her parent’s killer. She was involved in the underworld, at first that worried and scared me. I was somewhere getting attached to her, and due to that I was always careful with her safety. Her going on missions where she even had to kill was very dangerous and that scared me a lot. 

And when some months ago a big businessman was found dead, coincidentally the same one we were going to catch red handed. I knew it was her. 

She can hide from this world, from everybody but not from me. I know her from soul in and out. It took me 3 years to realize I wasn't just curious, I wasn't just attached. The day I got a view of her eyes, I knew I was more than in love.

And it confirmed the day she told me, she is in love with someone else. But due to my mothers teaching, I let it go.

 All I wanted was for her to be happy. But the guy she chose was someone who would kill her, and he eventually tried. The day I saw her standing there all ready for her wedding, dressed up in a pastel lehenga while blood flowed down her chest. And the last thing she said to me was ‘he left’.

That day I got to know what this actually is, I realized without her I wouldn’t be alive.

 Those 6 months without her, it was much more than hell. The day I ran carrying her in my arms while she fought against death, I was dying with her too. Just like she isn't willing to wake up and live, I am also willing to die with her. 

Going on deadly missions everyday, still not getting killed, tired me.

 I knew she wasn't a girl who would just be in a relationship and not take it seriously. I knew one day she will get married, and I will finally lose her. She will be gone, and I will have no rights to call her mine. Not that she was mine to begin with.

This all felt like a painful end to my love story, but things changed. 

Now she is my fiance, but it still scares me. What if she leaves? I am not worried about her disagreement on our marriage, I know I can handle that well. But what if she gets snatched away from me? Again.

 What if it wasn't my so-called brother who tried to kill her? What if he comes back and she lets me go. 

Fear, that's what I fear the most. Letting her go away from me, her smiling because of some other guy who isn't me, her being his officially. And I finally defined my feelings towards her.

It was an obsession, I was, and am obsessed with her. 


For next one week everybody took care of Tanya, Aria used to clean her and as the doctor told Meera used to massage her body to relax it.

The doctor also arrived and took her case in his hands, and under his guidance and care she was recovering well. From sitting to eating on her own, but she never talked. Not even with the doctor, they shared a book to talk.

Avyaan used to stay with her when she’s asleep, sitting on the couch always watching her. He also turned mute with others, only speaking when needed. 

Aryan and Meera didn't invade him and let him take his time, Aria also took a pause on her studies. 

Currently, Avyaan was watching over Tanya while she slept. His eyes had dark circles and his body looked weak. He also took his leave from his work which was granted easily because of his continuous duty for 6 months.

It was currently 3 in the night while he just sat there on the sofa, looking at her with his blank eyes, the one which used to shine and glow but it doesn't anymore. A cough invaded his thoughts as he stood up to look at her up closely.

She was coughing, and her eyes were half open. Getting up and sitting with the support of the bed's headrest. He hurriedly poured a glass of water for her before placing it near her lips.

After a few seconds she drank from it and it placed the glass on the side desk while she rubbed her eyes to open up clearly. Looking at him as he stared back at her. “Go back to sleep, it's still late at night.” He spoke after some time but all she did was look at him. 

He tried to cover her with the blanket but she didn’t lie down. 

“Sleep, you need rest.” He again spoke while all she did was stare at him. He covered her upper body with the comforter while she just sat. As he tried to move back and sit on the couch again he felt a pull on his sleeves, he turned his face to look back and he found her gripping the corner of his shirt’s sleeve. 

She pulled his sleeves making him sit next to her. Moving close to him, he just stared at her. She moved silently and side hugged him, caging him in her arms. Her touch made him jolt, making his Adam's apple bob. 

“Ta-” he tried to say but was cut in the middle by her tears falling on his left side of chest, making his white shirt stained. 

It was the first time in her 18 years of life after her parents death she was crying, crying her heart out. Sobbing and choking on her tears.

He turned towards her completely and hugged her while caressing her hair. 

She didn't let out a word nor he spoke, he just stood there hugging her letting her stain his shirt with her tears. 

After 2 hours long crying she slept in his arms and he silently laid her down on bed while she wasnt ready to let go so he laid down next to her as she moved in her sleep and snuggled her face in his crook. 

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