‘Haha, did you bring these for me?’ 

‘Yeah, do you like it?’ 

‘I mean I am not into cute things but this is really cute to resist.’

‘So you like it?’ 

Of Course after all you bought it for me.’ 

‘Aha, is that so?’ 

‘Haha, yes ohh stop tickling me Vi.’ 

Sweat beads formed on her forehead as she clenched her eyes, the memories played in front of her, but everything confused her. 

In her 18 years of life she never smiled let alone chuckle. But the scene right in front of her said otherwise she was smiling, giggling. 

She tried to move but it seemed like her feet were stuck in one place. She tried to speak, scream but nothing worked as if her whole body was paralyzed and her voice was gone. 

While she was in a mess, the memories continued to replay in front of her, making her heart and head feel a throbbing pain. 

‘Will you marry me?’ 

‘Yes, I would love to.’

‘Hume pyaar ho gaya tha aapse vihaan’

‘Kisne kaha tha karne ko’ 

Upon seeing herself getting shot by her to be husband, her eyes widened. Shock and fear displayed on her body as she stood there all helpless looking at her own self clenching on her chest as it bled. 

“Please ensure she wears the oxygen mask; her heartbeat is dropping, and she's struggling to breathe.” Doctors and nurses surrounded her.

Her condition worsened, the family members who were inside were led out as the ward closed.

Doctor’s were operating on her, trying to calm her down and normalize her heartbeats.

Her grandmother stood out sitting on the chair chanting prayers for her only granddaughter she cherished, while her Guardian stood next to her grandmother trying to show their worry and care for her. 

Mrs Kapoor stood next to her daughter who tried to calm her down by rubbing her shoulders, Meanwhile Avyaan stood with his father, Aryan as he tried to contact Malhotra’s.

“Malhotra, I need your help right away.” His voice sounded serious as he spoke to the other person on call. 

“What is it Uncle?” The other person answered, respect and seriousness dripping from his voice.

“I need you to send your personal Doctor to India asap. My daughter’s health has worsened.” He demanded as he also explained the situation.

“I will send him in my private jet, just hang onto it.” He nodded as he understood the seriousness of the situation.

Aryan hung up the call as his face turned towards Avyaan who looked like nothing but a corpse. He sighs as he walks towards him and rubs his shoulder in order to provide him strength to deal with the situation that was in front of him.

“I don't want her to leave me, at least not like this.” He whispered with pain.

“She won't leave you, especially not like this.” Aryan replied with confidence and determination to bring back Tanya to life.

An hour later, the Doctor walked out of the ward while talking to the nurse’s.

Mr Arora walked straight towards the doctor expecting an answer to everyone’s worry.

“Mr Kapoor” the doctor called, Aryan walked towards him while Avyaan stood at the corner listening to them silently. 

“Her condition is not great, she needs care, extra and special care. Her mind is forcing her into the dark abyss. Her depression is worsening, she needs to stay awake and try talking about whatever is happening when she sleeps. Something is wrong and to our assumptions it's her memories, something is haunting her and because of that she wants to rest! You know what I mean.”  The doctor explained about her condition, her will to rest aka to rest to death.

“Thankyou for explaining to me Doctor, Can we transfer her to our home? It will be better in a new environment and we will be personally taking care of her.” Aryan thanked as he continued with his questions and doubts.

“That will be great, but please be careful. A single negative change can cost you her life.” Doctor warned.

“I will keep your words in mind.” Aryan assured him with care.

“Okay, and about the other necessities the nurse will explain to you.” He last said and left. 

“Go and pack her stuff, we are taking her home.” Mr Arora said as he looked at his wife and she just nodded in response before going inside her ward.

“You misunderstood my words Mr Arora, Tanya is coming with us not with you.” Aryan explained as he stood in front of him maintaining his cold expression. 

“And why will she go with you guys Mr Kapoor?” Mr Arora Frowned hearing Aryan.

“Didn't you hear the doctor, her memories are haunting her. And where you are going to keep her is the same place she lived in. Wouldn't the memories trigger her more?” Aryan’s expression was stiff as he heard him making an issue out of such a trivial matter. 

Mr Arora tried to retort back but before that Avyaan came in front, “Didn't you guys wanted us to take responsibility? We are taking the responsibility. I am taking my fiance with me. Is that a problem?” He asked as he raised his brows while his expression told he was angry. 

“No, nothings a problem. We just want to assure her safety, that's it.” Mrs Arora jumped in before this could have led to a heated argument. 

He looked at her and nodded as he moved towards Tanya's grandmother. 

“I’ll take care of her, visit her whenever you want.” He spoke with his gentle voice as his hands rubbed her hands softly.

“Keep her safe, that's all I want.” She replied with a pale smile on her face as she looked into his eyes. Later, Aria packed Tanya’s things and Avyaan picked her up in his arms gently, while several wires were attached to her hands and body. 

Aryan drove the car, Meera sat next to him while Aria and Avyaan sat at the backseat Holding Tanga in his hands carefully.

He looked at her face which had no shine, no color and his world turned colorless. His eyes turned blank again as he soothed her hair gently.

It took them 20 minutes to reach home, Avyaan with Aria’s help settled Tanya on his bed while Meera came with warm water and a change of clothes.

“Beta go out, I will change her into something comfortable.” Meera said while Avyaan nodded and walked out.

Aryan and Avyaan were in study talking to the doctor that was arriving soon, about Tanya’s condition and state.

Meanwhile Aria and Meera cleaned her body and Meera made her change her clothes.

“Maa, do you think bhai loves her?” Aria asked as she sat next to Tanya,doing her hair.

“It's more than love,Your brother never freaked out, never blanked out. But he did when she was shot, when she was in a coma.”  Meera replied, staring at Tanya who was sleeping due to the injection dose. 

“What do you mean Maa?” Aria looked at her mother while asking that.

“Remember when you fell down from the stairs, he was calm. When I burnt my hand by wildfire, He didn't freak out then either. Your brother is a calm and composed person who doesn't let his emotions and expression overtake him. But he lost control over them when it was about her, for him she is the only source of life. He is so consumed by her that he thinks without her he wouldn't survive.” Meera explained, not taking her eyes off from tanya.

“How come you know so much?” Aria gasped in surprise, “I am your guys Mother” She passed a small smile and left with the dirty clothes.

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