My headache as I opened my eyes and found myself in an unusual place, I wondered where it could be. 

I was surrounded by trees, dark and tall trees. A road in the middle parting the two sides.  I twirled around trying to figure out what’s happening but i was left clueless.

‘Is somebody here?’ I screamed,hoping that someone might hear me. But I received no response. I still tried again and ran forward to find a human being.

‘Hello, Is somebody here?’ I kept on shouting, to no one in particular. As I ran I found myself exhausted very soon. Something was unusual,I looked down at myself and found blood dripping from my chest, I gasped as I touched the wound.

‘I am shot’ I whispered to myself as blood stuck to my fingers. My head started hurting again as I felt like fainting. I looked down at myself once again to find I wasn't in normal clothes.

It's a freaking lehenga I am wearing. My mind felt frustrated because of this place and this situation i was in, why am i here in the first place? 

As I was bundling thoughts in my brain, I heard footsteps approaching towards me. My mine silenced as I focused on the echo of the footsteps.

I tried to stand up and ran towards it but my condition didn't support me to do so. So I sat there, waiting for the person to come.

‘Is somebody there?’ I shouted as I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer.

‘Please answer me, I am injured.’ I screamed as the pain pierced my chest making it hard for me to breathe, how the heck i am conscious after being shot.

Everything seemed messed up to me as I waited because that's all I could do. 

‘Are you okay?’ A voice entered my ears as I looked up, getting out of my thoughts. A guy standing in front of me asked as his face turned tense and worried.

‘Yes, I mean no. You see I am shot, Could you please help me get out of here.’ I explained as I looked into his eyes, I didn't care who he was or what his intentions were. All I wanted was to get out of here.

Unknowingly this place was haunting me as if something bad was going to happen every second.

‘Here take my hand’ He said as he forwarded his hand, i looked at him once again and forwarded my hand to place on his.

‘Ahh’ A moan escaped my mouth as he retreated his hand and my hand being in the air disbalanced me and it resulted in me getting my elbow crushed on the road. 

I heard him laughing as I looked up at him, he held his stomach as he laughed out loud. Anger streamed into my eyes as I looked at him and the injury pained me more.

‘I’m sorry, really sorry. Here I won't back off again.’ He said as he turned his expressions serious again.

I had no choice but to trust his words, again.

I tried to take his hand but he did the same thing, again. ‘What the fuck.’ I roared as it again got hit on the harsh road.

‘Hahaha, oh my god.’ He laughed like crazy while holding his stomach. 

‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’ I shouted at him as anger showcased on my face perfectly. I was annoyed plus I was injured. 

‘Who told you to trust me?’ He suddenly gripped on my jaw harshly as his expression turned dark.

‘This is the reason you are here, you trust whatever people say.’ He continued as his dark expression suddenly turned calm as he laughed like a maniac.

‘Who the fuck are you?’ I screamed as his grip hurted me, and his words boiled my blood.

‘Uhm, who am i? I am the one who brought you here, and that's my art. Do you like it?’ His aura was like a psychopath, suddenly changing every time he spoke.

The art? He pointed at my chest as my eyes grew wide, did he shoot me? But why don't I remember anything? ‘This is what you get when you trust someone.’ He said as he moved back while taking out a gun from his back.

‘What the heck? Just who the heck are you?’ My mind was messed up, I didn't have a clue about what was happening. ‘Good bye princess’ he said as he shot 6 bullets on me.


“Huh” My eyes shook open as I stared at the ceiling. Where am I?

“The patient has woken up, give me the tester.” I heard the doctor's voice, i am in the hospital? Was that all real? I couldn't move my head to look at my surroundings. It felt like my whole body was in piercing pain.

“Can you move your body Ms Arora?” The doctor asked, but all I could do was blink. 

“I am assuming that your blinking was an indication as No” he said, understanding my situation as I blinked again.

“Keep calm, I will be asking you a few questions, blink once if it's a no and blink twice if it's a yes. Okay Ms Arora?” He explained as I blinked twice.

“Great, now tell me, does your body hurt?” He asked as I blink twice again.

“Okay, can you move your finger?” He asked the next question as I tried to move my fingers, I blinked.

The doctor continued with his question for about 15 minutes and he left after assuring me it's okay and I will be able to move after a few days. I kept on staring at the ceiling because that's all I could do. 

I wondered how and why I was in the hospital, and my mind ran back to the scene again. Who was that guy? Why did he try to kill me? 

After 10 minutes, I heard the door opening as someone stepped in. It felt unfamiliar, and I wondered who it could be. 

“Oh my lovely” A feminine voice entered my ears as i tried to move my head but hissed internally. “I am so happy that you are awake” she spoke again as i felt a warm kiss on my forehead.

Is it Mrs Kapoor, but why would she be here? Did someone tell Avyaan about me? But who will? 

I was so confused at the moment but then I heard another feminine voice. “Hi Di, how do you feel?” Aria? She is also here. 

I felt her hand holding mine as she tapped on me and I blinked in response.

“Bhaiya will be here, he is with the doctor’s. And your grandmother is also on her way” it means avyaan brought me here, how did he find me? 

I have so many questions in my head that I feel sick.

“You should not pressurize your mind so much, rest beta.” Mrs Kapoor spoke as she caressed my head. 

I blinked and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep. 

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