Two weeks had passed since Tanya was admitted to the hospital, her slender form tucked under the sterile white sheets of the ICU bed.

 Avyaan, with eyes etched in exhaustion and a heart heavy with worry, never left her sight. 

From the moment she was wheeled into the ward, he had claimed a spot by her side, a silent sentinel amidst the hum of monitors and the occasional shuffle of medical staff.

Days blurred into nights as Avyaan sat vigilantly, his gaze fixed on Tanya's pale face, willing for any sign of life. 

Her stillness was unnerving, the silence of her existence amplifying the weight of his fears. He brushed her hair gently, whispered words of love and desperation, but there was no flicker of recognition in her closed eyes.

Each day brought its own torment, each beep of the machines a reminder of the fragile thread that tethered Tanya to life.

 Avyaan held her hand, tracing the lines of her palm as if seeking answers in the map of her skin. He recounted stories of their time together, hoping the sound of his voice would break through the barriers that kept her imprisoned in her own silence.

In the quiet hours of the night, Avyaan wrestled with his doubts and regrets. 

He questioned every decision, every missed opportunity to protect her. Yet, amidst the despair, his resolve remained unyielding. He vowed to stay by her side, to bring her back from the abyss that threatened to consume her.

 For Avyaan, this vigil was not just a demonstration of love; it was a testament to the depths of his devotion, even in the face of uncertainty.

“Bhai, you need to take care of yourself if you want to look after her.” Aria said as she entered the ward while carrying two bags in her hand.

Aria visits Tanya and her brother every other day as he never left Tanya’s sight even for once.

“You need to be healthy to take care of someone else.” She explained to him but he remained unchanged and unaffected by her words. 

It's been weeks and all he does is look at tanya from the couch or lie his upper body down while hugging her hand and caressing her hairs. 

“Come here, Maa sent lunch for you.” Aria said as she sighed looking at her brother who was looking nothing like a normal person rather he was looking exactly like a corpse.

“I will eat later.” He said with his dry and blank voice while he continued staring at tanya with his tired and worried eyes.

“I’m not letting you look after her if you don't have the food.” Aria tried to scare him by keeping her away from him but he didn't even bulge.

“I’ll make sure you don't even get to see her even when she is all okay.” She once again tried and this time he glared at her and came towards her while settling on the couch he grabbed the soup and had his lunch in silence, while Aria just sighed in relief.

30 minutes later, he was finished while Aria also cleaned Tanya’s body. “I will be leaving,take care of yourself bhai.” Aria said as she took the bag from the side table.

“She will be fine,don't worry.” She whispered as she hugged her brother tightly, comforting him. 

“She has to be.” He replied in his low tone while seeing off his sister. 

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