“What the hell are you talking about?” Tanya’s grandmother shouted at her daughter in law. “Mom please calm down, you just woke up after fainting.” Her aunt said to grandmother.

“You are telling me to calm down? When My only granddaughter is lying on the hospital bed.”  She shot her anger at her, while her eyes traveled towards tanya who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed, her eyes turned worried and concerned.

“My lovely” She said as she walked towards her and caressed her hair. 

“Tell me who did this to her, tell me who tried to hurt My Granddaughter.” She spoke as her dark demeanor grew around others. 

“The groom is nowhere to be found, the prime suspect is him.” Mr Arora came forward explaining the situation to his mother.

“Find him, I need him in front of me as soon as possible.” She ordered as she looked sharp dead into his eyes. And he just bowed in front of her and left. 

Mrs Arora stood at the corner staring at tanya and her mother in law. 

‘Why didn't she just die? Her death would have been less hectic than this fucking hospital drama. Ugh my feet hurt.’ Her thoughts sounded frustrated as she composed her expressions.

‘Look at her, she still loves that bitch more than anything and anyone’ She gritted her teeth as she glared at her mother in law who was caressing Tanya’s hair while holding her hand in her other hand.

“How’s she?” Meera, Avyaan’s Mother said as she barged inside the ICU. Mrs Arora turned and looked at her.

“The results are yet to come out” She replied as her face held a sarcastic expression.

“Can I see her?” Meera asked as her chest heaved up and down. 

“Mhm, go ahead.”  She replied not interestingly and went back to the corner.

Meera moved forwards, her legs trembling as her face held nothing but worry. As soon as she reached near the bed her eyes widened, her mouth had a gasp as she kept her both hands on it.

“T-tanya..” She whispered a shout while her legs gave up and she was about to fall on the floor while Aryan came inside and held her and took her outside the room. 

“Gather yourself wife” he said as he rubbed her shoulders. “Ar-aryan.. it's tanya… it's the girl I told you about.” Meera spoke as her voice shattered and her eyes streamed down tears.

Meera told Aryan about Tanya, whom Avyaan brought home and how she felt so good meeting her. 

Her heart couldn't accept the fact that the girl whom she was going to welcome as her daughter in law was her, and now she is in the hospital lying unconscious. “Shh! She will be alright, I promise you.” Aryan promised as he caressed her cheeks.

“But- but her… how could Vihaan leave her like this? How- she, she is a pure soul.” She spoke again, her voice low and shaky while her tears had no end of it. 

“Please khud ko sambhaliye Meera. Aapke aasu humse nahi dekhe jate, kuch toh rehem kariye hum Pai” He whispered as he wiped her tears.

Moments later Doctor entered the ICU, and they also went inside.

Before she could speak, her grandmother stood up and asked.

“How’s she?” Her voice dried up as her eyes held worried.

“Maam,it's hard to explain but due to sudden shock and being shot near the heart made her condition really critical.” She explained.

“Also due to severe 3rd stage depression she has fallen into a coma. Her will to wake up and live life is as low as possible.”  The doctor finished explaining and everybody inside the room looked shocked.

“C-coma” Her grandmother whispered as she fainted, and soon was transferred to another room.

“This is all your fault Mrs Kapoor, you should have taken good care of your son and taught him to not run away” Mrs Arora accused.

“Who knows if he is the one who tried to kill her, because of him she has gone into a coma. It's all your guys fault.” She spoke a little louder making her scared while Aryaan came in front.

“Mind your words Mrs Arora, I am respecting you because you are the aunt of the girl she adores, not a woman. I keep my rules simple and same for everyone, No one gets to talk to my wife that way let alone shout at her.” 

“You-you” She tried to speak but then Mr Arora entered the room. 

“And you also don't get to talk to my wife that way Mr Kapoor. And about the things my wife said are correct. Our niece is in coma due to your son’s sinful actions” He retorted as he stood in front of him.

“Now if she wakes up, who’s going to marry her? Who even marries a girl whose groom ran away on the wedding day itself” Mrs Arora came in front and sat near tanya while shedding her fake tears.

“What-” Meera tried to reason her words in shock, she is in coma and here she is worrying about her marriage, No one knows if she will even wake up the next day.

“You must take the responsibility Mr and Mrs Kapoor.” She spoke with an ordering tone.

“She is in this condition because of your son, you MUST take the responsibility.” 

And the whole time both Mr and Mrs Arora kept on pressuring and forcing the couple to take the responsibility in other words to take care of her marriage.

“I will marry her” 

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