“He left” I heard her while her tears streamed down her eyes and blood was all over her.

“I’ll stay.” I Replied as I rushed towards her picking her unconscious body in my arms. 

I rushed outside screaming to nobody in particular to call for an ambulance. I didn't care to look at anybody and I ran towards the parking lot while Aria ran behind me. 

“Calm down bhai, I have the car keys.” She said but i didnt give a fuck about the keys or anything i just need her to get treated. 

“Bind your dupatta on her chest, try to stop the bleeding.” I said, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest as I drove like a maniac to the hospital. 

“Fuck fuck fuck” I screamed again slamming my palm on the steering wheel, this fucking traffic was to happen just right now. I turned back and looked at her. Her eyes closed, left hand hung down. My heart pierced with pain as if someone was digging it out with their bare hands. 

Fortunately after 10 minutes we reached the hospital and doctors took her to the operating theater and I lost every ounce of strength I was holding. Breaking onto the ground I looked at my hands stained red with her blood. 

I have always imagined her all covered in red but today when she was covered in red i didn't like it, i despised it. My body trembled as her last words replayed in my head. She was in love with my elder brother, she was going to marry him. This only thought is ripping me apart. 

For the past 6 months I was going on deadly missions to divert myself from her but at the end of the day I found myself staring at her picture. My mind always wondered who was that lucky to get loved by her and it turned out to be my brother. My very own brother. 

Aria hugged me and said “Its okay bhai, she will be alright.” And i shattered. I don't know how long I keep my emotions shut. “ W-what if i was a little late? What if- if she..” My throat went dry as I felt clenching pain on it. 

I don't know for how long I cried and when I passed out, my heart was always whispering shits to me. Telling me it's my fault that she is in that condition,only if i looked at her boyfriend. Only if I have enough courage to see her holding hands with my own brother. 

My eyes opened, I felt my body as light as fur. Confused, I looked at my surroundings. Where am I? It was all white, a never ending space which is all white. Am I still sleeping? I looked around and felt someone staring at me. 

‘Who are you?’ I shouted, and walked towards the unknown. This all feels weird, why am I here? ‘Hey’ I said my voice only audible to the other person who had its back turned towards me. 

I tapped on the shoulder and then they turned, making a shiver run through my veins and my eyes widened. ‘T-tanya’ I choked on my words as I looked at her, she was bleeding from her chest and her mouth. Her bright pastel lehenga was covered in blood. Her eyes puffed, and her bangles were broken. 

‘You killed me Avyaan’ her voice low and dry.And i kept on looking at her while she said i killed her, I jolted out of my thoughts when i heard her say killed. NO NO NO!!! She cant die, she cant die like this. 

‘I-i’ I tried saying something but words weren’t ready to escape my lips. ‘You made me miserable, you are at fault’ She said as she looked at me with those eyes of hers which had nothing. It was blank. 

‘She is right, you are at fault Avyaan’ I heard another voice and I turned immediately, finding my brother standing there in a groom’s attire. ‘You-’ My eyes again got surprised and anger rushed through my mind. 

I ran towards him holding his collar ‘You did that to her, you fucking bastard’ I shouted on his face while he chuckled and smiled. ‘It wasn't me, it was YOU! You killed her, she is in that state because of YOU!’ He said and pressed on “you” mostly.

‘Dont fuck with me, tell me why did you do thst to her. Why just why?’ I again groaned in anger while tears streamed down my eyes. 

‘I didn't do anything to her, she is dead because of you. It was you who left her alone. It was you who didn't confess to her. You made her go into danger’ He stared at me with his dark eyes while my grip on his collar loosened.

He is right, it was me. I left her alone, I left her alone shamelessly when I knew she was always the underworld’s target. It was me! It has always been me. I killed her, she is dead because of ME! 

What did I just do? I killed the woman I love, She died because of me. I can't live like this, I can't! It's all my fault, I can't!

I kept whispering words to myself and then looked at her again, running towards her. I said ‘I am sorry, I am sorry Tanya. I will… I will kill myself for you’ I tried holding her hand and her cheeks but she backed off, my eyes became red and tears didnt stop.

‘It's too late, you are too late Avyaan’ as she said those words she started vanishing into thin air, I tried holding her but failed. And only in a few seconds she vanished entirely as if she never existed.

My heart ached, a piercing pain going through it making me feel like someone is pushing a sword into my chest, ripping my heart off.

My breaths shortened and i didnt even try to take the next breath. I collapsed on the ground as my eyes got shut. 

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