“Did you check the lightning?” My Aunt asked a maid who came with juice for me. It's finally the day I've been waiting for. My Wedding Day. 

I looked at the maid who was answering my aunt, her face holding some kind of fear. To be honest everybody at the mansion is scared of her. She isn't some bitch, she is worse. I remember when I was 8, A caretaker accidentally broke a vase while cleaning on top of it. His leg was broken too because of falling from such height. She beat him on his same leg till the very end until it actually detached from his body. 

I have no grudges towards her, not that she was involved in my parents death. If she was, she would be the first one to experience my personal torture where death would have seemed like an aid to her pain. 

I shrugged those thoughts off as I don't want my wedding day to turn bad,Never! 

“Tanya, no matter how rude and shameless you are. You still need to behave in front of your husband and his family, and serve them well. From today onwards he will be your husband, not some boyfriend you can control.”  I heard silently as my one and only lovely uncle said entering the room.

How can I forget you? My dear Uncle, the one who broke my limbs to the point that they never healed and hurted my leg that it's not real anymore. Just because I worked as a waitress and side cook. You thought it brought shame to your family but the day my parents died, I became an Orphan with no family and relatives. 

“Don't spoil her mood, it's her wedding day after all” This is the very first time you ever said something right my lovely aunt. 

“When will the ceremony start?” I asked with a dry tone as I don't have energy to keep up with their talks. “You got two hours, get ready I will come to take you.” 

“Mhm” I nodded as they both left. “Start your work” I said to the artists who entered inside as I closed my eyes.

It's been months, and no matter how much i try i can't reach Avyaan. And for some reason I am worried, worried about me. I couldn’t invite Myra because she is in the US with her mother who is having her surgery. And Rohan, he is on a mission,a mission to find his brother whom he lost during a war. 

It's been an hour since the artist painted my face and finally asked me to give reviews “I don't want a red lipstick, baby pink will be fine” I said as I admired myself. My face had a soft glow but I didn't like the Red on my lips because it does not match with my lehenga.

I am wearing a pastel pink lehenga with sage green embroidery on it. 

Life’s unexpected, how I was running like a mad dog finding my parents' killer with no idea about love and exactly after 6 months I am sitting here getting ready for my wedding. 

Life has been cruel and ruthless to me and I guess it finally decided to give me what I deserve. I looked at myself standing in front of the mirror while one of the maids helped me wear heels because I can't bend down. 

This all feels so surreal, so heavenly that I think it's a dream, a dream I must live for my life long. But fortunately it's my reality, my today and it leads to my beautiful future with him, with the one i love. 

“Are you married?” I asked the maid while looking at myself. “Yes Young Miss” She replied while correcting my lehenga pleats. 

“What were you thinking about while marrying your husband?” I asked another question. “About running away” she replied making me look towards her, was she forced? 

“Why?” I asked as she corrected her posture and looked at me. “I was returning back home after giving my last boards exam and a guy from another school approached me asking me about some address. I helped him and that's when someone from my village saw me and spread the rumors that i was dating, My parents were forced to get me married because the village wouldn't accept a girl like me who runs wild, I felt helpless and my relatives made it even worse by telling me false things about my soon to be husband, that he was same age as my father and tortured his late wife everyday because she didn't gave him any heir.” She revealed with a soulless smile dancing on her face. 

“Tell me you weren’t actually forced and tortured by your husband?” I asked as I gripped on her shoulders.

She shook her head as a no and said “My husband was anything but the way they described him. He was 24 and I was 19 back then. He took care of me,respected me and never forced me.” I sighed in relief as I let go of her.

“Do you love him now?” I asked, looking at her face which now turned bright. “I do, no one can resist loving a gentleman like him.” She replied as a blush captured her cheeks. I smiled tiredly, I was worried. “You may go now” I said as I sat back on my chair. 

20 minutes later someone entered the room and captured my eyes, and I realized the touch as soon as it came into contact with my flesh. 

“Vihaan, you can't meet me before the ceremony.” I said.

“But I couldn't wait any more…” 

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