Tanya was pacing in her room, biting her knuckles while frustration was written all over her face.

“How should I confess to him?” she muttered as she cursed. 

It's been a week since she came back from Avyaan’s House and due to her periods she wasn't able to go out even to the college. 

She received calls and texts from him when she didn't come to the cafe and she told him about her monthly cycle. He personally brought  her ice cream,chocolates and pills when nobody was home. 

Seeing him, coming to her personally just because of her periods made her heart warm, the first time someone actually cared for her. It's already been two months since they met each other.

After the day she came back from avyaan’s house she called him the next day to ensure if he was actually okay. She was so worried if he was hiding something. Surprisingly the one who picks up her call in a second did not pick up her call even after 10 tries. And she finally dropped a text asking him if he is okay.

On the same day at night she received a message saying that he is at his grandparents house because his grandma is sick. That's why he wasn't able to reply and even told her not to worry he isn't hiding anything or hurt. 

Tanya sighed in relief and now she was standing in front of her wardrobe taking her clothes out. Pieces of them shattered on her bed as well as couch placed at the side.

She gripped on her hairs and messed them, letting out a groan. Her eyes roamed around on her clothes and she saw just two colors, Red&Black. “I need to make it special, but looking at my clothes .. sigh! Lets ask Mimi for help” she mumbled as she picked up her phone dialing  her best friend's number. 

“Mimi,” she called.

“**** What's up with my love?” Myra answered with enthusiasm.

“I need your help, can you get me a simple yet nice dress for me?” She asked while her other hand rubbed over her neck.

“A dress? Don't tell me you are going on a date” Myra sounded shocked as her best friend never even talked to a guy gently.

“Uh! Don't be dramatic! I am gonna confess to someone” she revealed  as she never hides anything from her best friend.

“WHAT THE FREAKING PEARL HECK” Myra shouted while her eyes widened.

“Fuck, you are gonna break my eardrums” Tanya cursed.

“What the fuck is going on, and who are you going to propose?” Myra counted frustrated.

“Ah! I will tell you about that later on, just get me a simple yet nice dress” She said as she looked at the clock.

“Huh! Yes, I will send a dress right now” Myra said as Tanya disconnected the call after humming.

Tanya was in the shower while the dress was on its way, it took her 30 minutes to shower. She walked out and straightened her hair. 

It was almost 5 in the evening while her dress arrived with a tone.

“I don't know who you are going to confess to but i trust you okay, Best of luck baby girl” 

As she read the note, a smiled formed ln her lips and she shook her head. Getting the dress own she applied her moisturizer and her lip oil, lastly she wore her heels and walked out carrying a small sling bag.

The dress was off white with black floral print on it, Tanya was 5’6 and it embraced her body so well. She looked at her bike and patted her. “Wish luck to mumma baby” she whispered  and smiled.

Walkin out of the mansion she took a cab and went to the cafe. It took 35 minutes and she reached. She didn't tell him about her arrival and entered inside by the exit door for workers.

Her heels made that thud sound every time she took a step. The exit door was near the stairs as she walked up. Looking at the roses she smiled, a soothing feeling embracing her. 

‘I hope everything goes well as planned’ she thought as she looked at the phone screen, it was already 5:55 pm and she knew he was going to come upstairs because it was his and her daily routine.

Exactly at 6:00 pm someone’s walking sound was heard,her heart raced and she turned her back towards the stairs. Fear rolled over her face, what if he just considers her as a friend or even worse as a colleague.

“Who’s this?” A manly voice was heard as he walked closer, she knew it was him. The one who she was waiting for.

“In the gentle breeze of our fleeting moments, I find myself compelled to share with you a vision that has blossomed within my soul, nurtured by the tender touch of fate's hand.”

She started saying as she turned towards him, facing him his face shocked to see her.

“From the first moment our paths intertwined at the quaint cafĂ©, your kindness became a soothing balm to my wounded spirit. As you delicately bandaged my finger, a silent melody of understanding danced between us, whispering of a connection beyond the ordinary.

In the quiet spaces between our words, I have envisioned a shared journey, one where our dreams intertwine like the branches of a majestic tree, reaching towards the boundless sky with unwavering determination.”

“Tanya You—” He tried to say something while they were too close, she put her finger on his lips and smiled, making him stop as she continued. 

“Thus, I extend to you an invitation, dear Vihaan, to join me in a venture that transcends the confines of the mundane—a collaboration steeped in purpose and passion, fueled by the fire of our shared vision.

Together, let us breathe life into this dream, weaving threads of inspiration and creativity into the fabric of our reality. With your grace and wisdom as my guiding light, I believe we can paint a masterpiece upon the canvas of our shared destiny.

If your heart resonates with this melody, I implore you to walk with me, hand in hand, towards the horizon where endless possibilities await. Let us embark on this journey together, and in the gentle breeze of our shared aspirations, may our souls find solace and our spirits soar.”

She took a deep breath and said again

“I love you Vihaan, I really do. I am crazily and deeply in love with you” She confessed as a blush crept on his body. 

His body trembled as he stood there. She was just looking at him with those red eyes of hers filled with nothing but love for him.

“I- i have no words to express this feeling i am having inside me right now. I- you made me feel like I am in heaven today. I thought it was only me, just me who was in love with you but guess what.. I am damn lucky that you love me too and
 and you confessed to me first.”

He took a deep breath.

“I love you so much Tanya Arora, i love you” He confessed too, and her breath hitched, her body felt light, her neck, cheeks and what not turned a pretty shade of red.

They both moved even closer not wanting to drop their eye contact. A smile crept on both of their faces. Her face moved close to his as she closed her eyes, he moved closer to her face keeping his hands on her cheeks cupping her face.

He softly placed his lips on her as they both shared their first ever kiss.

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