I Woke up feeling a throbbing headache.

Fuck it's going to kill me. I hardly opened my eyes and looked at the surroundings around me, where the heck am i?

I remember... Avyaan came to me at the drinking table and then? Then what? I swear i don't get drunk no matter how much i drink wine.

I tried to get up but felt a hand gripping softly yet tight enough on my wrist. I turnes my head and looked at that someone. My eyes went wide as i saw Avyaan sleeping on a chair while holding my hand.

What the fuck happened yesterday night? I looked at my cloths and they were changed. Fuck! I believe it wasnt avyaan who touched me or changed my cloths. I know him atleast this much that he isn't some bastard or fucker. Nor am I worried if we did something last night. I am just wondering what the heck just happened to me that he had to take me here, probably his house.

I was thinking about this all while my damn head against hurted and i moaned frustrated, Avyaan was in deep slumber and he looked like he wasnt ready to let go my hand. While i was looking at him holding my head with other hand, the door opened revealing a women in her early 50s.

She wasnt tall nor that short probably 5’4. She looked at me and smiled, is she his mother?

She walked towards the other side of me and kept the tray she had been holding, it had a bowl in it. 

She sat next me on the other side while avyaan was still sleeping holding my hand, i looked at her with my eyes big. 

“How are you bacche” she said as she touched my head. I was just looking at her and then i replied, 

“I am okay” i said in my low tone trying not to wake this giant baby up. He must be tried from looking after me.

She smiled again as she put her hand on my head once again, slowing soothing my hair. It felt good, it felt like Mumma. “Have the soup it will help you with your headache, i will wake up avi so you can go and fresh up” she said as she walked towards avyaan’s side. 

“Avi, beta wake up” she said her voice like honey and her features as soft as feather. I was just looking at her and then i heard his whine. 

“Maa let me sleep” he said as he cuddled his face more onto my arm and i got bend towards him.

“Avi” she said more like scolding him, and i felt like smiling. 

“Its okay Aunt, he must be tired let him sleep” i said looking at her innocently.

“But baccha, his weird way of sleeping will hurt your arm. This silly son of mine.” She said as she facepalmed herself.

“Its okay aunt, i cant have the soup from my other hand” i replied assuring her thats it okay.

I can't at least bear with this for sometime as he took care of me all night. She nodded and told me to call her if i need something and i nodded in reponse as she left.

I was having the soup and it wasnt like those bad ones i had before, it was spicy, tangy yet sweet. Just my type. While having the soup i tried to remember what happened last night but nothing came up to my mind. 

It has already been 30 minutes since i had the soup and avyaan, he was still sleeping holding my arm, it went numb and i decided to lay down, as i layed down i stared at the cieling of his room.

Yesterday was my parents death anniversary, the day i despise the most, more than that i fear it a lot. I get nightmares specially on this day but it all seemed different today, i didnt wake up with a jolt and heavy breaths. Maybe because i was under the influence of alcohol.

I sigh and closed my eyes trying to go to sleep again as a scene played inside my mind. 

‘I miss them’ 

‘Miss who?’

‘Mumma baba, they left me all alone, i miss them so much” 

And i opened my eyes wide, what the fuck i was speaking. I closed my eyes again and tried to remember more. 

All sort of memories flash back in my mind and i wanted to dug up a whole and get drown in it.

‘I love you’ 

I sat on the bed suddenly which made my hand jerked and avyaan woke up in shock. He was rubbing his eyes while i looked straight at the door.

What the fucking hell did you do Tanya? You fucking confessed. Ahh! 

I felt like beating the shit out of me but avyaan broke my chain of thoughts when he asked. 

“Tanya are you alright? Is everything okay? Hmm? Tell me.” He said with his worried tone as he cupped my cheeks.

What the fuck have i did?

I subconsciously held his left hand which was on my cheeks and asked. “What happened yesterday, why am i here?” 

I said as i felt him being surprised, “you dont remember anything?” He asked as if it was horrifying to him. 

“I do! But i want to hear it from you” i said calmly.

He sighed as he began to speak, he explaing everything to me and stopped at the end trying to say somethig.

“And lastly-, lastly you, you said that you”he said his voice shakey and a blushed creppting in his neck.

I want to slap myself.

“Avyaan I” i said as he looked at me immediately which hope lingering in his eyes.


“I am really sorry Avyaan, its not what you think it is. Its, its not something i meant.”

I said as my eyes turned sad.

“I am really sorry to hurt you like this, i really didnt meant it at all. It was, it wasnt for you” i sighed.

“Urgh, i dont know how i got drunk when i never even get tipsy by wine. I was just so lost and i took you as someone else. I didnt mean it i am sorry. It was for someone else, i live someone else”  i said removing his hand from my cheeks as he had his face hung low.

“Av” i tried to speak but he cut me off putting his face up, he looked bright. 

“Uff, i thought you actually fell for me. I was so scared about it. I dont want our growing bond to get shattered because of this. It felt too awkward, haha, but its okay i understand senior” he said his face having the brightest smile ever. 

“You sure?” I asked as i was worried about him.

“Ohhfoo yes senior, now you go and fresh up i will also go then lets go downstairs have some breakfast after that i will drop you home” he said with his casual chirping tone and i sigh, its good that at least he isnt hurt.

He stood up walked to the door and i was on the bed still. “Ah yes, thats my sisters cloths and maa changed it for you. Dont feel uncomfortable” he said as he walked oit gaining a nod from me.

I brushed my teeths and took a bath in his bathroom as he kept new thingd for me. I sigh in relief while bathing, i was scared for nothing.

I came out wearing a black jean and red shirt which he placed on the bed earlier.

I walked out of his room and was greeting by himself.

“Lets go” he said as we walked downstairs.

On the dining table sat his mother and a girl in her 17s or 18s, maybe his sister he mentioned before. I was greeted by his mother who came towards me “kesa hai ab headache beta” she asked while smiling. 

Oh she feels like home to me, i said to myself and replied to her “thik h aunty, thankyou for the soup” i sat next to avyaan while his sister and mother sat infront of us.

“Hi Di, i am Aria” she said, her voice even more bubbliy than avyaan. Cute.

“Hi Aria, i am Tanya. Your brothers Senior. Thankyou for taking care of me” i said as we began to eat.

His sister asked me some questions and i answered patiently, i dont like people talking much around me but she doesnt know me yet and i cant make this fluff doll sad by saying something mean. 

We had breakfast and i was about to leave with avyaan, when aunt came towards me chanting some prayers and blowing it on us. 

“Come again baccha i will be waiting” she said with her heartwarming smile and aria joined her. 

“ yes di do come back we will have so much fun together” she said while dancing. While avyaan stood beside me looking at me.

“I will surely come again” i said and smiled, yes i smiled. I dont know why, how and buts. But i did. Specially for his mother, she made me feel like home, a home i wasnt able to return to since 18 years. 

“Wahh, your smile is so pretty di” aria as as if her eyes saw some rare diamond. Well Mimi would have fainted if she saw me smiling. Its been 18 years since i smiled. 18 years since i actually wanted to smile.

“I will going” i said as i touched his mothers feet. Oh i am already attached to her.

“Silly, say you will come soon” she said as she patted my head and pulled me in a hug.

A weires sensation ran through my body, tears building in my eyes and my heart feeling some sort of relief,healing and emotions. Her warmth, her smile, her everything reminded me of Mom. 

She broke the hug and whispered to me “ i am always here for you” and my tears didnt stop there, it ran outside my eyes and i cried. 

Avyaan rushed to me and looked at me and his mother in worry while Aria was asking me if everything is okay. 

She hugged me tightly and pecked my forehead. Oh my god, she feels like mom.

“Thankyou” i whispered and left with Avyaan, he didnt try to ask me what happened earlier nor i initiated the talk myself. I was looking oitside the window and i was fucking smiling. Fuck it feels good. 

He drove me to my house and luckily my aunt and uncle wasn't present there. 

He was about to leave when i called out his name “Avyaan” i said softly but my voice sounded hoarse because of crying.

“Hmm” he hummed and came close to me. 

“I remember you telling me to always smile and stay bubbly because this world wants to see us crying and helpless.” I said.

“i did” he said 

“I am trying to do what you told me, i am smiling. Trying to be happy once again.” I said as i smiled widening my lips.

“I want you to smile, always. No matter what, please do it.” He said cupping my cheeks and i let him.

“I will” i looked into his eyes and he did the same.

“Thats all i want, thats enough.” He said as he kisses my forehead for a minute and left.

It felt weird but i was happy, finally. 

I gave justice to my parents, i got three close friends and a person who feels like mom and a place which reminds me home. 

I am sure i will be visiting her, avyaans mother too often. I already miss her.

I walked inside my room chirping and layed on my bed. 

Now only one thing is left, I hope it goes well. As i continued to think i didnt realize and dose off. 

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