I was standing in front of the mirror in my room, looking at myself and the outfits i have in my hands.

I am so confused between these three outfits, its already 4 in the evening and the event starts at 6 itself.

I was making faces while looking at myself as my sister enters enter.

"Bhaiya here's your juice" she places the juice tray on the table and turned towards me.

"Ye kya kar rahe hai bhaiya" she asked rasing her brows.

(What are you doing brother)

"Nothing baccha I am so confused between these three outfits."| said as i turned towards her.

"Ek kaam kare, aap bataye kya pehnu mai" | said as i pouted a little.

(Do one thing tell me what should i wear)

She crossed her arms on her chest and said "what type of event is it?"

"It's a Welcome party by the seniors for the freshmen students." | explained.

"Um, so according to your event. That blue outfit will be too casual and wouldn't look good at night. And that lilac doesn't suit this event, so the last option all black will be better. It's classy and semi formal" she explained me about colours and their ways. And lastly  explained me about colours and their ways. And lastly the conclusion was to wear all black.

She left my room after 15 minutes because i needed some help with my watch, shoes and this face of mine.

I wore my black satin shirt which was quite loose yet it was looking nice on me and paired it with my black pants.

Furthermore i wore my sleek silver analog watch in my one hand and wore my black loafers.

Lastly i took a good look at myself yet something was missing. My two upper buttons of the shirt were open and my collarbone was picking out. So i wore a red stone pendant because i know she will be in her red and black outfit as always.

I smiled and walked out, touching both my parents feet's and listening to my sisters teasing i said bye and drove my car off for the event.

All the time i was thinking about her, what would she be wearing? Will she wear a dress for today? Will she ride her bike today as well?

Too many questions were flowing inside my mind and i didnt even realised i reached my destination. The event was taking place at a nice restaurant thats includes outdoor partying area in the garden.

I saw few of my batch mates and many other students of other course were always present but they had other groups with their seniors 

I walked close to my group people as Ro. Saw me and stood up.

"Welcome Avi" he said as he pulled his arm on my shoulders.

"You look like a walking seducer today" he teased.

"Of course i am here to seduce you" i teased back as we all laughed together.

After we all settled down i asked my other senior Myra.

Her closest friend.

"Senior where is Senior Tanya? Did she not join us for the party?"

"Nah she did, it's just that she doesn't enjoy being around people so she is inside at the drinks corner" she replied.

"Oh! Is that so? Then i will go and bring her with me" i stood up as i said.

"Hey Avi, let's not disturb her. She doesn't like these stuff." Ro said as he grabbed my hand while sitting.

"But-" i tried to say something but

"He is right Avyaan, don't bother her she likes being alone and if you go and try to bring her here she will be only getting frustrated." Myra said making me understand and i just nodded.

We all were in garden aniaying fand with music playing at the back, i enjoyed too but not much because she wasn't here and without her nothing makes sense.

looked at my watch and it said 8. So its already been 2 hours since i came here and everybody was here already when i came. I feel worried for her now.

I looked at my seniors and friends, they wouldn't let me go if i try to. So i made an excuse.

"I will comeback in sometime i need to take this call, sorry guys" | said. As i got up placing my cellphone

near my ear.

Both Senior Myra & Rohan nodded and i walked away.

I came inside and looked for her and finally found. She was sitting at the corner last table, her head bent down facing the table as her one hand rested on her cheeks and another on the table.

I walked taking big steps yet trying not to make sound.

"Senior" | called her with a soft voice.

"Av-avyaan" she looked up getting surprised by my presence.

"Hi, why are you in here?" | said as i sat in front of her.

"I don't like people, crowd and things like that" She said as she looked outside.

"Of course you don't, i can guess it by staying with you daily in the silence. But is there anything else? 

Are you alright?" | asked concerned and worried.

She looked at the table and i did the same, wine? She was drinking. And it's a whole freaking bottle, plus it's empty. Is she drunk? Why would she drink so much?

"Senior are you-"i was about to say but she cuts my words in between.

"I have an high tolerance with wine, i don't get drunk easily" she said and i looked into her eyes, yes she doesn't look drunk but sad.

What just happened for her to look like this, this calm and resting face of hers looked like a corpse. I couldn't think straight, my heart was beating irregularly and i felt a sting of pain.

Just who the fuck hurt her that much to turn her into this.

"Are you sure you okay? Really sure?" | asked again.

"Mhm" she said not interested to continue the talk but i wanted to know about her feelings, how she turned into this and what exactly happened.

I turned towards the drinks area and signalled a waiter to take my order.

As he came i told him in his ears to get me wine mixed with come whiskey.

He nodded and walked away.

I know it's not right to get someone drunk, but i just need to know, i cant see her this way. Never. I would tear  down the reason if she ever turn this way, no matter what it is or who it is.

I kept on staring at her until the waiter arrives and once he did i placed the drink in front of her and took the wine bottle with me.

"Have it, it will make you feel better i guess" i said something stupid and pushed the glass towards her while i pour wine for myself in another.

I am not fond of alcohol nor i dislike them.

"Thanks" she said as she gulped down the whole glass as if it was water. I took a sip of the wine as well and set it aside.

After exact 3 minutes she spoke again, "Av-hic, my vision is getting blurry" she said as she placed her hand on her face m.

"It's okay you are just tired" i tried to calm her down as she slapped herself twice to come back into senses.

"I cant hic, see anything clearly" she said as she sudden grabbed my shoulder while sitting. It left me stucked on my chair for a second and then she stood up.

I was wearing cloths yet my skin felt the goosebumps of our first ever physical interaction.

I got up handling her and she was feeling dizzy, i dont know what amount ef alcebel he uced but it worked real fast. I walked out of the restaurant after paying the bill.

We got out from the back door as everybody was sitting in the garden, i texted Rohan that i am leaving due to some urgent work.

I looked at her stumbling around and next i carried her in my arms.

"Hic, am i in air?" She said her eyes barely open.

"You are in my arms... please do not move" i said as our closeness made it hard for me to breathe. As i said so she giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck digging her face in my neck.

I cant, i cant breathe because of her hot breaths hitting my naked collarbone.

I walked towards the parking lot and sat her on a waiting bench.

"What happened?" | asked once i knelt in front of her.

In response she just pouted, fuck it. She is making me loose my mind.

"I miss them" she said suddenly as her face turned sad like a kid.

"Miss who?" Who is she missing that she turned this sad.

"Mumma and Baba they left me all alone, i miss them sooooooo much" she said while making all sort of taces.

"They miss you too, don't be sad. they are looking at you from up there." I said grabbing her both hands and rubbed them together in my hands.

"Do they?" She looked at me, tightening her grip on my hands and her eyes flickers in hope.

"Mhm, they told me in my dreams." | answered looking at her.

"What did they say?" Excitement rolled all over her.

"They told me that there princess has grown up really beautifully but she doesn't smile and we don't like it. We want her to be happy and have her own close people, Tell her not to miss us much and cry.

Tell her whenever she misses us she needs to smile remembering our happy memories."

I said explaining her, if i want to see her happy i can lie about my existence as well. If she is going to get angry at me tomorrow thats okay, i will make up with her again but right now, her smile is what i want to see the most.

"But they never come to meet me, Mumma never comes to bake sour grapes pudding for me nor Baba is here for me to run back to him when i get hurt."

"I am just left alone" she added.

My heart throbbed in pain, i looked at her putting her face down. While my hand got wet with her tears.

Oh how much i want to end each and every reason you cry because of.

My little mouse deserves to smile, to laugh, to giggle around and to be actually happy.

I placed my hands on her face cupping her cheeks as she looked at me with her teary eyes.

Fuck i hate seeing you in tears little mouse.

"Shh it's okay love, i am here. Run back to me when you get hurt i will disappear the reason for your tears. Come to me i will make all sort of your favourite food." | said placing a kiss on her forehead.

A tear rolled down my eyes as i was kissing her forehead.

As i was about to move away she hugged me, tightly not wanting to lose the grip.

"I love you" and my world stopped, my breath hitched and i was in her arms like a statue.

After 10 minutes a car went by its voice making me come out of my blue point.

She-she- what?

She loves me... she loves ME. MY LITTLE MOUSE LOVES


I places my palm on my mouth making myself stop from screaming.

Her grip loosed on my back and i grabbed her tightly before she hit the back of the bench.

I looked at her, she was sleeping. Her snores audible only to me, she looked a baby who slept after crying for her mom. Well a part of it's true.

But-but here, she is sleeping after making a mess out of me.

My face till the neck was all red, i was freaking blushing, my heart was pounding way louder. My hands trembled a little.

I came out of my thoughts and looked at her again.

Picking her up in my arms.

"After making me go crazy you are sleeping so peacefully."

"Thats not fair little mouse, you have to take responsibility for this mess you have created" ! brushed her nose as i took her inside the car placing her on the passenger seat.

I cant take her to her house it's already past 12, so i decided to take her to my home.

I buckled the seat belt and then sat drivers seat driving off to home.

It took me 45 minutes to reach home. I parked the car in front of the door and took her out in my arms.

Gripping on her tightly i used my left hand to ringing the bell.

"Avi baccha" my mom came opening the door looking at me carrying a girl in my arms.

"Maa please help me lie her down on the bed then i will tell you about it all" i said taking her upstairs.

I placed her on bed and left letting Maa do her work like changing her cloths with Aria's and tucking her in blanket.

"She is sleeping?" | asked looking at Ma a coming out my room.

"Yes, she seems to cry a lot. What happened Avi?" She asked me concern lingering in her eyes.

"Nothing Maa, she got drunk missing her parents and then fell off." | explained.

"And who is she?" She asked.

"My senior, Tanya Arora. Her parents are no more and probably today is there death anniversary" | told her not to make her worry more.

 My maa placed her palm on her mouth. "She barely looks 20. Poor child." My maa just being a softy.

"You go and sleep now, it's already late. I will also go look after her" | said.

"Take good care of her, and if she wakes up in middle of the night inform me i will make hangover soup for her."my mom said before going away.

I just nodded and walked in.

I was sitting next to her on a chair while she was sleeping on my bed. Holding her left hand in my hands.

Placing a kiss on her forehead.

I loved you from the start and today after hearing your confession my heart is going crazy but u cant ignore your tears. I suddenly fear tomorrow. What if you don't remember anything i couldn't bring myself asking you about it because each and every memory will play in your mind and many of them will make you sad.

I don't care if you get angry, i know i can make you turn towards me again but i cant handle you being sad. I would rather take all of your pain. I only wish for your happiness. Maybe thats why they say love is selfless.

I hope you know you are enough, you are beautiful not just by your appearance, i hope you smile tomorrow, i hope you will be okay soon. Mi Amor, please return to your childish self once again.

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