It was Sunday and i swear i never felt like

Crushing the bones of that person whoever made Sunday. I wasn't able to meet her. I wasn't able to admire her, look at her.

I don't know how i spent my day, all boring and dull without her. My sister Aria visited my room twice or thrice asking me if something happened.

"Whats up bhai?" She asked entering my room, her voice filled with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Nothing Ria" i answered my voice fully dull.

"You seem low, did something happen?" She asked getting on my bed next to me as we both lay together.

"Nothing, it feels boring today." | confessed as she turned her face towards me keeping it in support with

her arm.

"You love Sunday's bhai, what happened?" She asked her eyes widening a bit.

Yes i love Sunday's, or i used to love Sunday's due to my hectic schedule but now it's all boring. I don't have work i don't have college nor i have her beside me. I sound like a broken lover.

"Nothing baccha, i just dont have any work to do" other than thinking about her.

"Then let's go for a ride. Lets go at my favourite cafe and have some ice cream and pastries" she said as she looked at me with her doe eyes, i wonder if someday she also asks me to take her to her favourite cafe and have pastries, i saw her enjoying a cookie yesterday. Will i be able to resist her siren eyes just like i cant resist my sisters doe one.

"Isi liye aap itni der se humse sawal jawab kar rahi thi" i sat and looked at my sister giggling.

(Thats why you are doing qna with me till now)

My lovely little life, My sister.

"Hehe, aap hume na nahi keh sakte bhai"

(You cant say no to me Brother)

"Or isi baat ka fayda utha rahi hai aap" i looked at her with a fake glare on my face.

(And you are taking advantage of it)

We both got up, as she suddenly jumped on my back. I chuckled and she laughed. We both went downstairs and told both Mom & Dad that we are going to have some ice cream.

My sister loves sweet while i also enjoy it with her, i used to be not very fond of them but i also didn't like my sister having them alone. So to accompany her i started having sweets. I cant see her sad or gloomy, she is my little life for whom i work hard and stay safe. I remember getting hurt in school during a basketball match, Aria came running towards me in the middle of the match and cried her heart out for exact two hours.

She was so scared and I still remember her words of that time.

"Vi Bhaiya is already away from us, from me. I cant let anything happen to you, I am scared. I cant lose you Bhai. Please, please be always safe, please don't risk your life, i don't have anybody who will spoil me and love me at the same time."

I chuckled at that time, but after that i tried my best to never get hurt not even a single scratch. But after 3 years i got into that accident as an agent and i hid it perfectly from her.

We both reached the garage area while she saw herbike parked there. "Whose bike is that bhai? It's damn sexy!"

I chuckled on her comment and her expressions which were drooling over her bike. "It's my senior's bike" i replied while going near my car.

She kept on standing there snd said "He must be so cool to have such sexy bike" " and wasn't he so kind letting you use his bike" she added and started her fan girling again.

"First of all its not him, its her. And furthermore she isn't just cool. She is more than cool and kind enough" i explained while my sister lets out a smirk and grin.

"She, uhmhm! Do you like her?" She asked making me choke on air.

"So you do like her." She assumed while i just waved my hand.

" i don't like her little one." I am obsessed over her.

We both went to her favourite cafe and had some pastries even got a cake packed to have it later on with Mom And Dad.

After coming home, it was already 6 in the evening and so i went to gym for some exercise.

Now it was almost 8:40 and i got back to my room. Took a bath and wore my night wears. Walking downstairs i was greeted by my family.

"Come let's have dinner Baccha" Maa spoke with her sweetest tone and her lips curled up.

"Whats in the dinner today Ma?" | asked as i sat on my chair beside my sister.

"A very simple meal, Dal and Rice" Aria spoke with a tight smile on her face, of course she doesn't like dal rice combination, she is a sucker for western food while me and Maa love Indian simple meals.

"You should eat everything, and specially the food of your own culture." Maa Said pulling her ear.

"Owie, Mumma, Papa see your women is hurting me" She reported to baba on which i chuckled.

"My little girl, I got no say here. I am sorry dear"

Baba said teasing her.

We four had our dinner with a lot of bickering and fun and i wonder if she also laugh and bicker around her parents. Does she?



2:45 pm, Monday.


The college is full of hustle bustle as its the end of recess. I was so busy from the early morning due to my continues lectures that i didn't even got any free time to look for her.

l arrived way too late at the cafeteria because the free time was already done. I looked around huffing and sigh. I think i will look for herafter my last two lectures.

I have been sitting here for past two ours and its already past 5. Dear professor please let me go (e).

Why does it have to be an extra class today only, i was shaking my leg in desperation and worry that what if i get late and wouldn't be able to meet her, and then my eyes fell on my phone and k grabbed it in an instant.

I was searching for her contact and i finally found it.

Senior T.A

Seriously, i let out a chuckle in a very low tone and decides to text her.

Avyaan: Hey,uh... I hope you are doing fine and i thought that i should remind you that we have a... yes i need to repay your kindness by treating you dinner. I hope i can meet you after college.

I quickly kept down my phone as soon i sent the text, why the fuck i am feeling so nervous.

Because you are going to have dinner with HER.

After few minutes i heard a ping from my phone and took it out of my pocket immediately as i was waling out of the building after class.

Tanya: Sure, i will be waiting at the back door.

Did my heart just skip a beat? What the freaking heaven.

She is waiting for me.

Ah i am losing my mind.

I walked no actually run towards the 3rd gate of the university. As soon as I spotted her, my breath hitched.

And i stood at my place.

She was wearing a black body-con dress with red boots and cardigan. Winter is already here. She was looking so fucking adorable. If i could, i would have spun her around in my arms and kiss her forehead letting her know that she is looking so beautiful that i lost my words.

I walked towards her, stilling my heartbeat.

"Hi" | spoke my voice barely audible.

" Hi Avyaan, shall we go" fuck. My name from that pretty mouth snd heavenly voice. I am getting more and more obsessed, i need to get a grip on my obsession. 

" sure let me bring my car" i spoke as i was about to walk away but she stopped me.

"Wait, ride darci. I will sit at the back." that made me startled as i looked at her and she cane towards me handing me her bike keys.

I looked at them for 5 seconds and then nodded at her. I went towards her bike, and i don't know why but my hands were shaking as if i never drove a bike before. I can feel my neck turning red.

I tried to compose myself and started her bike taking it out of the campus and she came walking towards me.

She sat at the back with the legs, one each on the other sides holding my denim jacket waist.

I tried my best to stop my racing heart but nothing worked and i started the bike as we drove to hertold cafe.

We were outside of the cafe sitting on the bike, i looked at the name plate of the cafe and then she spoke.

"It's my favourite cafe, and i often come here." She spoke as she got down off the bike.

Looking at the name of the cafe my stomach did a thing and i looked at her again, waiting for me to get down as well.

As we both entered the cafe, we were greeted by the greeting attendant.

"Welcome to Love At First Sight, I hope you receive a memorable moment here." The greeting was really nice as i smiled at her in response.

We walked in together as my eyes wandered around, the cafe was cosy and calm. It had interior of wood and roses. I wonder if she likes roses?

"Come let's sit over there" she spoke pointing her finger at a seat placed at the corner.

"Is that where you sit usually?" | asked while walking towards the seat with her.

"Yes i do" she replied as we both settled ourselves on the seats.

Herwords made me create a whole damn scenario in my mind thinking about the real Yes I do moment. I shook my head as she asked me.

"What would you like to have?" She asked me while placing the menu in front of me.

"It's me who is here to treat you dinner, so you decide and i am okay with whatever you order. I am not a picky eater" | replied as i slide the menu towards her again.

"Sure as you say" she spoke again and without looking at the menu as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" | asked looking at her.

"Going to cook." She said with her casual tone looked

at the otherside maybe there lies the kitchen area but why would she cook?

"I didnt get you, why would you cook." | stood up in front of her either my frowned eyes.

"Oh! Well i work here as well, so it's a habit of mine to cook my own food here with Mr Dawson" She revealed.

"So you work here, well thats nice but who is this Mr Dawson if i can know"i asked with my kind and sweet tone, being careful not to hurt her verbally.

"He is the owner of this cafe. Now i will be going to cook if you have no more questions" she replied as she looked at me.

"Can i come as well?" | blurted out not knowing what to do because all i wanted was a peaceful moment with her.


I looked at her turning my eyes doe, i am fucked up.

What the heck i am even doing? What if i creep her out with my clingy nature.

"Sure let's go" A smile crept on my face as i followed her happily inside the kitchen.

I was looking around while she went towards the corner and grabbed two apron, handing one to me and wearing one by herself. 

I wore the apron, and look towards her. Her eyes roaming here and there. Was she looking for someone?

Well she said she works here then i guess, people here are close to her.

"What are we gonna make?" | asked curiosity slipping from my mouth.

"Red sauce pasta and Tiramisu" she replied without looking at me as she was getting ingredients out of the shelf.

As i was busy staring. no, adoring her. Someone walked in, someone who was in his mid 50s and looked like an American.

"A- Tanya, my dear when did you come?" The man spoke in his faint yet happy tone, as she looked at him.

Her red eyes glimmered just like a red diamond.

"Mr Dawson, i just came 15 minutes ago. Ah! Meet him, Avyaan."

She spoke, fuck my name from her mouth. This girl will turn me into a blushing mess it i stay near her.

"Oh hello child, i am glad to see Tanya finally making friends"he said, his eyes smiling. But she doesn't have friends? Why?

"Hello Mr Dawson, nice to meet you"; shook my hand with him and then he talked a bit with her and left.

"You both seem close" i said while making the sauce for pasta. Of course i can cook well thats to him.

"Yes, i know him from past 6 years" she replied to me stopping herself from cutting the chocolates and looked at me. Her face had that relaxed expression. And i took an extra 2 minutes to admire her.

Her red orbs, her glassy black hair. Soft lips, straight nose and diamond shape face.

She looked ethereal.

We both continued to cook together and it was the most peaceful thing in all these chaos. And i imagine us being the same, doing the same but at a different place. A Place of ours.

Damn! I am daydreaming a lot.

After fine 30 minutes we both were done and looked at each other.

Her eyes lingered on my pasta and my eyes were always on her, but still her tiramisu looked tempting.

I walked out with her after throwing the apron off my body on the hanger. And look the plates with us.

We both sat to eat but i wanted to capture this moment, the moment. The first ever date i had of my life and obviously with her.

"Wait, let me please take a picture of it first." | took out my phone and clicked some pictures of food.

I saw her one hand resting on the table and i secretly clicked few pictures like that, Just like a perfect date.

"Dont you think that you are so bubbly all the time"

she spoke out of the blue and i choked my food.

She passed me a glass full of water and looked at me. I gulped down the whole glass and looked at her staring

at me.

Its giving me goosebumps, her stare is so powerful.

"Whats in there to be gloomy about." | said, while I was going to dig in again but she raised her eyebrow.

I settled the fork on the table and wrapped my hands around my chest and said, "I mean its only going to make me mad or sad if i stay gloomy or blank"

"So why not stay all happy and bubbly? Isn't it better"

"Well i am not saying that i don't get angry or sometimes my mind doesn't turn blank, it does but i cant turn that sometimes into most of the times.

Even if no one wants me to be happy, i want myself to smile, genuinely and truly." As i completed speaking she chuckled.

She chuckled! Oh my god that curling lip had me.

"You are really a positive person, but still you talk to much" she said as she had a bite of the pasta i made.

I smiled looking at her and hearing her.

oh little mouse, only if you know how dark i am.

"Wanna have mine?" She said looking at me, i stared at her nothing at in particular but yet.

"Of course i was dying to taste it" i grabbed my spoon and had a spoonful of tiramisu in my mouth.

"Mhm, thats really delicious" i said while enjoying it.

We both had our food and surprisingly she was talking at least a bit. Sometimes her eyes roamed around but i got no courage to ask her if she was looking for someone. I didn't wanted to sound dominant or controlling when i am just a junior of hers.

Well over all, i had the best kind of day today and after we were done. It was already night so i drove her to her house first.

Gentleman, l am!

She hesitated a bit but i convinced her and here we are, in front of her house.

"Thankyou." She said.

"Nhm, Thank you." | replied.

As usually she tilted her head in confusion.

"I had the best day of my life, i mean i cooked with someone. Tried new food, all thanks to you"| said getting down her bike.

"Well then, it's my pleasure." She said and took her bike inside the house.

"Dont worry my devercoming with my car"| said as i looked at her staring at me.

"Okay then, i will wait until you leave" she said as she parked her bike and sat on it while facing me.

My driver came after 10 minutes and till then neither of us spoke, we kept on looking at eachother. My heart warmed up and i finally said.

"See you tomorrow" as i sat inside the car.

And she just waved in response.

Love love love, thats what i feel for you Little Mouse.

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