
I woke up early in the morning, a sharp pain crossing my head making me hiss.

Sitting straight on my bed, i looked at myself. I was still in that dress and my jacket.

My cloths had blood spots and my eyes turned blank. I killed My Parents killer, i served them with justice. Or thats what I thought.

I stood up from my bed leaving towards the bathroom.

Took off my cloths and went in after throwing them in the washing machine.

I was standing in front of my mirror attached on my bathroom wall. My eyes were blank and my face had no colour. I don't know how long i waited to kill those who snatched away my parents but at the end when i did so, i wasn't able to cry even bitter tears didn't form in my


All i did was smile, smile like a crazy maniac monster. I shooed those thoughts away and started to peel off the skin.

Of course i wouldn't let anybody touch me inappropriately not even a women and i knew how my work would be and thats why i wore a fake skin all over my body which worked amazing.

After i was done peeling the skin i took a shower and got ready for college. I fainted after murdering him and thats why i don't remember how Rohan got me inside the house. Maybe by sneaking in by the help of poles.

As always i was dressed up in my syna top and black pants. I remember buying everything which was red.

And Syria became my favourite. I used to match my things with my eyes.

My Father Had Honey Brown eyes and i always used to look at him for hours. Whenever we used to go for a sunbath, i used to mesmerised by his eyes. How they used to turn golden when the sun rays falls on them.

My Mother Used to chuckle and say "Looks like just like me our daughter is also going to fall for you because of your guys" and we used to giggle together.

Other than me and my father no one knew my mother has Red eyes, as my grandfather was against love marriage. My Mother Kidnapped my father and ran-away. She was a bold badass person. My Mother.

My father was my grandfather's favourite as he was always excellent in studies and business but keeping all this aside he did a grave mistake and that was to fall in love with a foreigner.

My Mother always told me to never tell anybody about my real eyes. And i promised her to keep it hidden, and since then everybody thinks i wear lens.

I walked downstairs thinking about what to do next because what i wanted to do is finally over. I sat on the dining table next to my Dadi. (GrandMother)

"Good Morning My Baccha" She wished me with sweet smile on her face. 

"Good Morning Grandma" | replied looking at her wrinkled face knowing that after my parents she is the one keeping me sane.

"Did you fall asleep early last night? I called you multiple times but it was switched off" she looked at me, worried.

"I have exams coming soon thats why i was trying to keep my health in good state and wanted no body to disturb me so i turned my phone off." Of course that was a lie, i cant tell her about last night. She is sensitive with my parents topic specially my father as he was her first child whom she adored the most.

I had my breakfast with her and luckily my Aunt and Uncle wasn't present today. Grandma told me they went to close friends Son's Wedding for a month.

Well good for me. I said Bye to my Grandma and went to catch a bus.

I gave Darcito that new boy and hope so he took care of her. I was so busy last night that i forgot to check into his information that Rohan brought.

It took me 45 Minutes to reach college and went inside through my usual spot. I was walking inside my classroom when suddenly i felt someone jumping over me. I turned back in a second and catches her. Myra, the only dumbass who doesn't know the value of her life.

"I missed youu" she said while staying on my back while giving a peck on my cheeks.

"We met yesterday Mimi" | replied. I do not have that change in tone for person to person. My voice is cold sharp and straightforward for everyone.

"Still it's been hours.. let's go i brought cookies for you"| like cookies, specially sour cookies. I used to work in a cafe as a part timer when i had nothing to do after college and i learned a lot of things, specially how to make sour cookies.

Myra is a born chef, whatever she makes taste just like heaven, she shoved a cookie inside my mouth while i walked inside carrying her on my back.

As we walked in she waved an hi to everybody present in the class, while guys chuckled on a note "Thanks Myra, because of you we are able to see the devil being soft for once in a decade." That was for me but it doesn't matter to me.

I walked towards my seat while Myra replied to them licking her fingers like child "My Anya is only soft for her Mimi" "You guys stand no chance in changing her coldness into kindness."

She showed her tongue and giggled.

I sometimes wonder if someone broke her heart? She wouldn't be able to laugh, giggle or even smile the same. And i cant let yer become a corpse Tanya Arora has became.

And to not let that happen i will do everything in my power to keep het the way she is.


I woke up 8 and rushed towards the garage. I only had 2 hours to get ready, have breakfast and of course clean her bike. I cant let her know where i took her bike with me or make her angry looking at her bike being dirty. I cant stand leaving a bad face on her. Specially On her.

I took the sponge and cleaning gel and started to gently scrub it, i didn't wanted to hurt her bike nor her. It took me 40 minutes to clean it.

"He washed it thrice with his own hands and didn't even use the pipe which was loaded with pressure of water because what if just in case the water injures the bike so instead he sprinkled the water"

I was standing in front of my wardrobe with my towel wrapped on my lower waist, my wet hairs dripping water on my chest.

That morning played back in my head when i saw her entering the college in red and black outfit and so i decided to take out Red shirt and black pants.

I took my backpack and turned to leave after telling Mom. While my little sister appeared in front of me in her night suit. She doesn't have school and thats why she was completing her beauty sleep.

"Maa, it is valentines day already?" She teased me on my outfit as Maa chuckled.

"It might not be valentines but it can be springs arrival" I pinched her nose lightly and left with a smile.

I took her bike and drove off. Exactly after 30 minutes i was in front of the college.

I walked in and was welcomed by Rohan.

"Hey Bro, how did your date went yesterday?" | asked him while curling my arm on his shoulder.

"It was good. How did you returned home yesterday?" He asked me back

"Uh, I took a lift you see"| couldn't bring myself to tell that she gave me her bike well i was in urgency though.

We walked towards our classroom while talking about random stuff while we heard hooting and shouting of students from the other side.

We both looked at each other and decided to check as we were free. I and Rohan walked towards the senior cabin area and a sight caught my eyes.

She was giving a piggy back to someone, I moved a little and saw who it was. She seemed like the girl from earlier and asked Rohan about her.

"She is her best friend, they know each other from childhood and Myra is the only one who can have the soft side of Her's"

"They are known as the best duo of grumpy and sunshine in the college, Guys are head over heels for Tanya and whenever Myra is with her she can be seen being soft."

I was listening to Rohan as we kept on moving with those two. There was this feeling in me that made me happy, she didn't have any smile on her face but i could feel the soft gaze she had on Myra.

I wanted to see her smiling desperately, chirping around and dancing. I had this urge building inside me to give my all to her so that i can see that smile on her face which was kept hidden.

We stopped at the entrance of her classroom as both entered inside. She was having a cookie and i wanted to know which one was it so that i can bring some for her next time when we meet.

I was constantly looking at her and i realised that our outfits.. They were MATCHING.

A blush crept on my neck as i rubbed it. I was in my thoughts when some guys voice broke it.

I heard guys of her class thanking her best friend for what so ever reason, but then there words caught me.

I felt a wave of jealousy building inside me as they kept on looking at her with those eyes. I felt like pulling there pupils out and smashing there head on the wall.It would be so peaceful when no body would be having visions to look at what i admire. It would be only me who would be able to look at her, adore her and allure her-Realising what nonsense i was building in my mind I shooed my thought's away and went to my class.


It was the third lecture of the day but i couldn't shake off the feeling i had inside me. I didn't like people around her specially guys. I am not a guy who would react like a total red flag.

The lecture ended and i walked out finding her near the cafeteria as it was already break time. She wasn't there so i went to her class but she wasn't here as well and so i

decides to go the last place i thought i could find her and that was the library and she was there on the same table.

I walked towards her and sat on the chair next to her, she was so engrossed in her book that she didn't even bother to look at me.

She was wearing a Red top type shirt and Black pants...

Sitting together we looked so much like a couple and the blush returned on my neck but on my face as well.

She was looking like an independent businesswoman in that outfit, and it suited her really well.

I slightly knocked on the table gaining her attention, she moved her left hand towards her ear and removed her earbud. So she was hearing to music. She looked at with her earbud in her left hand and her book in her right.

I waved an Hi to her with a small smile on my face. She tilted her head in confusion and oh god, she looked like a 5 years old confused baby who doesn't know the meaning of Bumfuzzle.

"Thankyou for lending me your bike" | spoke as i placed the keys in front of her in my hands.

She nodded in response and was about to take the keys when i closed my palm and took it back and again she tilted her head.

"You helped me, and i promised to treat you with dinner. So you will get the keys after accepting my gratitude"| reminded her about the promise and smiled. She didn't reply to me and plugged her earbud in her ear again and placed her focus on her book again.

"Hey at-least reply to me"| spoke a little down for her to hear. And it seemed like she didn't hear me.

"Hey?" | spoke even louder while knocking on her table but it still didn't work.

I looked around and found people reading or studying peacefully. "Senior, can you hear me. Please go on a dinner with me." And this time not only her but people around us were able to hear me, they all turned towards me and the librarian came to us.

"This is a library if you don't know the ethics and manners do not enter here, You are disturbing students. Go and do your Romeo Juliet play outside of here" He lectured me and i apologised, as he left i saw her leaving and i got up running towards her.

As we were out of the library, it was already 5 in the evening. The sun was down and we entered the garden


She sat on a bench and i walked towards her "See I am really sorry i shouldn't have spoke that loudly. sorry"| apologised fearing if she will be angry with me.

"Your phone" She replied.


"Give me your phone, unlocked" She spoke again and i took my phone out in hurry. I handed my phone to her and waited until she returns it back.

After taking back my phone i looked at her.

"I am busy today, text me the place tomorrow i will be there at 6" She spoke and then added.

"And do not shout like that again in the library, text me whatever you want to say whenever. I saved my number in your phone as Senior" After saying so she left and i was left with widened eyes and a racing heart.

I got her number, No! She herself gave me her number.

Ah! I am damned. I hid my face with my hands as it turned strawberry red.

She made me blush more than 2 times in just a day. I am crazy!

I called a driver to take my car and go home as i decided to drive her bike. I am going crazy because of this woman and of course tor her.

Coming to this college and looking at her everyday in front of me everyday, it's all surreal. Ah! You are driving me crazy Little Mouse"

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