Me and my team reached the location in no time, Agent

4-A was checking about the security and to our surprise the whole building was silent and there was no security, no guards.

We went inside and split into groups. We were 20 in total. I moved with 4 other team mates and my first priority was to approach the grand room.

I was expecting everything as a planned trap but that wasn't the case as i entered inside the room.

Looking at the tortured lifeless body in front of me, my eyes went wide open and i was confused.

No body had any idea about someone approaching Him today but-the result speaks opposite.

I walked over and saw the stabbed marks on his face

and at chest.

Someone really brutally killed him and now it was all mess for me. I had to look into this even more. Argh!

I was already frustrated after leaving her alone at the campus that too without a proper good bye and now i have to work overtime so that no body calls me when i am on holidays.

I called for my teammates and they along with me search the whole room for any clue while others were loading the people found unconscious in the black


(Black room is basically a large storage box attached and hidden inside a normal transport truck. Which is used to carry sinners or refugees.)

Ilooked over with my other mates but found nothing in particular. As i was about to walk outside my eyes landed up on a piece of jewellery.

It was some red crystal or something in a pendant and i thought this might lead me to the actual killer.

Before stepping out of the room i looked back at the dead-body and my eyes turned dark. He deserved to die and whoever killed him did great.

No one has the right to force a woman, to disrespect her but this motherfucker harassed, abused, Molested and what not did to those women's.

I walked downstairs only to find out Agent 4B waiting.

"Everything's done?" | asked with the same cold voice i could never use in-front of my family and maybe her.

In response he nodded his head and spoke "The people are loaded in black room and the news is sent to

chief as well. Media or any other social network have no idea about X's death and murder. Chief ordered to see you after everything is done here." "Hmm." | nodded and took off my gloves and started to walk.

"Is something bothering you, leader?"

He asked with concern looking at me.

"Sell the news about X's Murder and spread it like fire with his illegal works"| stopped and looked at and replied.

"Roger that!" and he left with a salute.

I finally walked out of the building and went straight towards herbike. I wasn't able to get a closer look at it earlier as i had to hurry to the base.

But now standing closer to it, i can see the ravishing colour of it. It was black yet red. Maybe she likes red the


I traced my hand on the bike while something imprinted on it caught my eyes.

"Darci" what does it mean? Is it the bike name? Did she named it?

I had questions flooding in my mind while i decided to look into it. I took my phone out and searched it on web.

(Darci: dark-haired or descendent of the dark)

looked at the meaning of the name and it sounded like a villain's name or it was something like its vibe.

A small smile captured my face as sat on her bike and drove to the base nao to pe careru win her bike as it

 A small smile captured my face as sat on her bike and drove to the base, i had to be careful with her bike as it will hurt her if something happens to her bike.

I sound like a total whipped person for her, well i guess i am. I don't know about love/like or anything but one thing is for sure.

When i look at her, i find myself burning in desires, desires like to cage her in a beautiful diamond cage and selfish enough to hide her from the world so that only i can hear, see or touch her.

I am obsessed with her, but i cant let my obsessive disorder get a control over me. I cant see her sad. And i know very well she wouldn't like getting caged. She is a free bird, who wants to fly high in the clouds and stop where she finds her peace.

Thinking about her i reached the base, walking inside our doctor told me to come to him when i am done

meeting Chief.

Doctor and I got close after the incident where i was shot near my heart. He took care of me for a whole year and even managed to hide about my accident from my family.

My family don't know about me being a Secret Agent or they would have killed me till now. My Ma is a softy after My elder brother settled abroad she became more. protective towards me. And my father is not like other fathers out there, he doesn't act cold or anything. He is cheerful and always smiling and as soft as my mom.

While my little sister, i still remember how much she cried when bhai left to settle in abroad. She is the charm of my life and i cant let her cry so after that accident i try to be extra careful with my body and try not to get hurt as much as possible.

Keeping all thoughts aside i knocked on the door and heard a come in, in response. I walked in and saluted my chief while he asked me to sit down.

I was reporting about the situation and he was noting it down as always. After i was done and he told me not to get involved anymore as our work was to just capture him.

I nodded in relief as i don't want to work anymore at-least for now. As i was about to stand up and walk away he stood me there.

"You are being rewarded a whole vacation of 6 months Shadow!"

He spoke making me want to jump in joy but i composed my emotion's and nodded.

"Thank you Chief"  "Wait, this isn't whole. During your 6 months vacation you wouldn't be disturbed by any sudden case but as soon as your vacation ends you have a major case to deal with."

"The case of Grey Wolfs"

He completed.

I thought i was getting a vacation but i was just getting to enjoy my last few months because as soon as i get involved in this case, there's no possibility of me returning alive.

I had no choice but to accept what comes my way. I nodded and walked out.

Grey wolfs, the biggest mafia clan of south holding more than 70% power of the underground world.

It came into existence just after the demise of Red moon, which is stilled remembered by people. It was the ruler of Mafia World and the most powerful in India and Italy.

But due to the mysterious death of its leader and his family, the clan came to an end and gradually disappeared.

I was handed with the task of finding about the grey wolfs leader and its mastermind who hides behind a


I sighed and went home, luckily everybody was sleeping and i sneaked into my room silently after parking her bike in the garage. I have to wash her bike before giving it back to her as it had blood stains and i cant let her get any idea about my work at-least for now.

I cant wait to meet her again and listen to her melodic soothing music like voice.

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