Life isn't always easy nor loves you softly. Thats what i learned when i turned 5, when i was left alone.

What can be more worse than witnessing your loved once death. I hate to admit that I witnessed their death, and i was so helpless to even do anything apart from just sitting and crying for them.

Like others i used to be cheerful once, someone who used to dance around in the house and even cry when get hurt. But what changed me so drastically that i don't smile or can even express my emotions. My aunt calls me a monster, maybe i am one.

I entered Stanford College when i turned 19, yeah maybe too late. i had an "accident" when i was 17 which made me lie in bed for almost two years but once i recovered i escaped that death bed i was on, i took admission in this college for one sole purpose and that was to find cues.

My parent's love story started from Stanford itself. I was so eager to visit it someday with them as they promised to take me here. But maybe i didn't deserved such expensive date with them.

From the past three years i have been searching for there murdered like crazy, i have been working like a bulldog all day and night. I cant let anybody know i am still after those fucking killers, as i cant afford to waste my time on bed again. You might have no idea just how crazy i have gone just to find those who snatched my childhood, my reason to live and my sole love.

18 years, freaking 18 years and for people my parents . 

never existed. Just who the heck did that. For this world or my "family" two lives were snatched away from earth.

Little did they know, a new life was going to enter the world. My brother who i wasn't even able to see was snatched away from me.

I cant stop blaming myself for being so helpless that time, if only i was not 4 if only i was capable enough to protect them. They would be here beside me, laughing and being all lovey dovey.

Just a matter of "If". I never visited my parents grave, not that i never wanted to. I always miss them, at nights when it's thundering or at times when it's raining. I took an oath on my parents death, until i find the killer i wouldn't show them my face.

I know they are at better place, but wasn't it too harsh for 4 years old? Wasn't it too shocking for that little kid?

Wasn't that heart wrenching for a little girl? It was. It was more than hurt, it was more than heartbreaking. It broke me to the extent that i don't feel alive, i feel like a shell who is breathing but dead.

Maybe thats why i was never able to smile, my reason to be happy or to laugh even cry was gone? Not that i didn't have people of my own. I did, i had and still do have the world's best person as my best friend, i have my Dadi (Grandmother). She is a major part of me to stay sane. Having them beside me isn't making me go insane yet.

I attended college aftorfour dayaof loave, i had mild fever but my Dadi was worried enough to make me stay at home.

She took care of my breakfast to changing my cold sheet on the forehead. Once I reached college i was welcomed with a tight hug which was from none other than my silly best friend Myra. And there she goes on and on with her gossips, she is cute but i can never say that to her on her face.

Why? Back then when we were in school i once tried to express my thoughts and said "You look beautiful Rara" Rara is her nickname given by me when we first met at the skating club at the age of 3. She looked at me with a scared face and was at the verge of crying, my brows tensed up and looked at her in worry "Are you mad at me or something—..." I was left speechless by her words and from then i kept my mouth shut.

I didnt forget to notice a new presence in the college, i looked over with my side eye when Myra hugged me. I saw Rohit beside the unknown figure and I sighed in relief.

I wasn't hungry so i decided to get some books from the library which were important for my upcoming exams, apart from my mission to find the killers i have to deal with my academics. Doesn't matter if i am interested or not, it's just mandatory or else i will be stuck in that house and die in guilt to never be able to find my parents murderers.

I was walking through the corridors, it was full of hustle and bustle and i looked at these kids smiling and.

laughing together unaware of the storms chasing after them, but I wish and i can only wish that they never reach those cheerful kids i see. No one deserves to get their heart broken specially those who are unaware of such feelings.

I looked down and stared at my book while walking

"The Unsaid Words" the tittle spoke of the book, while in a fraction of seconds i has my eyes shut but my ears heard the echoes of shattering books. I calmed my mind and sad without looking who i was bumped into. I did felt pair of eyes staring at me really closely but i paid no attention to it.

"I am sorry i didn't see you there" A soothing voice spoke and it was different. Really different than others but i couldn't figure out how. I stood up taking my books from his hand and started to walk ahead.

Suddenly someone came in front of me making me stop and look up. Black hairs, brown eyes, straight structured nose, long lashes, Sharp face and pink lips. Thats what i noticed, or maybe i noticed way too much. He was tall, i myself am 5'5 but he seemed taller, maybe 6? I don't know.

He took the books from my hand and pleased to assort me to my classroom.

Maybe he isn't aware of who i am or what i might can do. People and students look at me with terror in their eyes as if i killed someone in front of them really badly.

Maybe he isn't aware of who i am or what i might can do. People and students look at me with terror in their eyes as if i killed someone in front of them really badly.

I did killed those who deserved to die but i never such thing in front of these weaklings. They call me bad-luck because according to them i was left orphan because i cursed my family with my negativity. What a joke!

They are clearly scared of me, little did they know i was a softy once.

He walked with me to my class and handed me the books at the entrance, as i walked in i heard a soft mumble. "Take care" A inner chuckle let out my lips.

My day was going on as usual, thankfully no one informed Myra about the collision happened during the lunch break or i would be left with bundles or questions and that poor guy might not attend college for few days because of Myra's threatening.

I was scribbling on my notebook while waiting for the next lecture. I heard footsteps which were clumsy and hesitant. "Uh-Senior...." he is here, i didn't look up at him but heard him carefully. He was here to ask me to help him clear some doubts. Stupid, what is he 8?

Thinks that i will not understand his motives. He wants to know me but why? Am i that interesting to waste your time on?

{And why are you still reading? I am really interesting to read about?}

I scribbled on my notebook again asking him to wait for me in the library as i have a lecture  now and he left.

Let's play if you wanna play.

After 45 minutes, i walked inside the library searching for him. And he was there at my table, but how did he got to know about my table? I don't take such things as coincidence i can never let my guards down. I walked over and sat next to him.

I asked him what topic or subject he is having troubles with, he was stuck for few seconds. Did he find my voice manly? Or disgusting? I don't talk to anybody even Myra if someone is around. I feel insecure with this voice as my aunt always said it's disgusting and i should never open my mouth, it became my habit.

He told me about the topic he was having troubles with and i patiently and calmly explained everything to him, he seems to understand my teaching well. I was proud of myself to teach someone so well.

He asked me about my Darci as well.

It's my bike i drive the most, it has its own history let's dive into it some other time.

I taught him for almost 2 hours, and it was finally 5. We walked together as he was still asking me some tips related to the subject. He was about to say something when a call interrupted us. His brows frowned and his face turned into a tensed one. He cuts the call and look.  at me with a sorry face. What is he sorry about?

His voice is rush, he told me he will treat me dinner later on as he needs to leave real quick. Before listening to my response he ran towards the parking area. I stood there for couple of minutes figuring out what happened, as he ran back inside, panting and sweating.

He asked me if he can take my bike, My Darci, I dont even let Myra touch it or the worker to clean it. I was hesitant but gave my keys to him as it seemed really urgent.

He left and i called Rohan to pick me up from the college.

I waited for couple of minutes and he came, i sat inside the car and we discussed about him. The guy who just took away My Darci and the same guy who is eager to ro know me. Aka Avyaan Kapoor.

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