

Amidst the bustling college courtyard, Avyaan and his friends weaved through the throngs of students, their voices blending into the lively atmosphere.

"Should we go for kareoke afterwards?" Rohan, one of his friend spoke while everyone else agreed but Avyaan was lost in his phone searching for perfect birthday gift for his little Sister Aria whose birthday was next week.

While Suddenly, a collision sent Avyaan stumbling forward, his heart racing as he realised he had bumped into someone.

Books scattered at their feet leaving a thud sound making him and his friends snap back into reality, Avyaan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he quickly bent down to help gather the fallen items. While His friends watched nervously from a distance, but Avyaan's focus was solely on the person before him.

"I am Sorry, I didn't see you there" he apologised earnestly, his eyes meeting the mysterious figure as he offered assistance.

Tanya Arora, their senior, Who was the reason for his friend's nervousness, remained silent, her unreadable expression adding to the intrigue that surrounded her.

Despite the lack of response, he persisted, his determination evident as he continued to assist her.

Once the books were gathered, She stood up, her silence speaking volumes as she prepared to leave. His heart raced as he called out to her, unable to let her slip away without offering further help.

"Wait," he urged, his voice laced with urgency as he reached out to stop her. "Let me atleast help you carry your books to your next class" He said, while she stared deep into his soul making him even more nervous than before.

"Please" He added as if he was scared of her, making his eyes turn into doe.

Reluctantly, Tanya acquiesced, and together they navigated through the courtyard, their silence pregnant with unspoken questions and hidden emotions, He was scared to ulter a word, as if he did, he would be recieving sild punches on his face, while She walked a little ahead of him making him run like a baby to match her pace.

Arriving at Tanya's class, Avyaan handed over the books with a warm smile trying to calm the situation between them, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer as if she was a piece of art he wanted to share at forever, before she disappeared into the classroom.

"Take care" he murmured softly, his heart heavy with the weight of their brief encounter as he watched her depart.

Throughout the day, he found himself unable to shake the memory of their meeting, his thoughts consumed by the enigmatic Tanya Arora.

'She looked liked as if she was a living corpse, who had no emotions to show. What is she actually?

Weird that I find her unusual behaviour attractive, not Weird that I find her unusual behaviour attractive, not gonna lie though that she was attractive, just like a goddess.'

He shaked his head, placing soft slaps on his cheeks to make him come back to reality.

'Pagal ho gya hu mai, pata nhi kya kya soche ja raha' I have gone mad, Don't know what the heck I am even thinking)

As night fell, he drifted into restless sleep, her image lingering in his dreams, a tantalising promise of what the future might hold.


As the day drew to a close and the campus quieted, Saher sought solace within the confines of her room, her sanctuary from the chaos outside. With a sigh, she closed the door behind her, the weight of the world heavy upon her shoulders.

She walked in placed her bag on the couch placed at the side, removing her watch she walks in her bathroom to have a warm shower which would calm her nerves and

maybe her racing  heart too.

After having a Warm Bath, she walks out of her bathroom in her night dress, alone in the soft glow of her room, Saher allowed herself a moment of reflection, her mind drifting back to the encounter with Avyaan earlier. His genuine concern had stirred something within her, a flicker of emotion she struggled to reconcile with her hardened exterior.

'He had a kind look in his eyes, unlike others who only look at me only to make benefits out of me, but getting close to someone is dangerous when you know at the end you will be left alone as always'

"But hope is a dangerous game." She reminded herself, her voice barely audible in the silence of the room as she seats at the most favourite place of her room.

She gazed out of her window into the night, Saher's thoughts turned to the burdens she carried, the responsibilities that defined her existence. The memory of her parents' tragic fate loomed large, driving her relentless pursuit of justice.  

'Only if Maa Baba were here, I would be like other kids too... Smiling and cheering at every moment of my life, and maybe I would be laying down on bed with my parents around me right now, if only they were here.

If only I didn't have to loose my parents then and there, i would be happy and not be some monster who doesn't feel any emotions.'

"You have a duty to fulfill." Tanya affirmed to her reflection in the mirror, her resolve unyielding.

Yet, beneath the veneer of duty, a spark of defiance glimmered within her heart, a determination to forge her own path despite the obstacles in her way. She was no mere bystander but a force to be reckoned with, determined to unveil the truth and exact retribution upon those who had wronged her family.

"Whoever snatched my parents from me will pay for there sins, I will make sure if it." She vowed, her voice echoing with conviction, anger raging in her eyes as she make a fist in her hand making the veins pop out.

Standing in the solitude of her room, She made a silent oath to herself-a promise to persevere until justice was served, no matter the cost. With newfound resolve coursing through her veins, she faced the challenges ahead with unwavering courage, knowing that she was none other than Tanya Arora, the tigress of her parents and a formidable force to be reckoned with.

As the stars twinkled in the mightsky.

he embraced the. As the stars twinkled in the night sky, She embraced the fleeting sense of hope, a beacon of light guiding her through the darkness. For in that moment, she found strength in her determination, ready to confront whatever trials awaited her on the path to redemption.

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